


41. In western culture, can people touch or kiss a child freely? 在西方文化中,人們能隨便觸摸或親吻孩子嗎?

  No. Except the family members or close friends. 不能,除了傢庭成員和親密的朋友以外。

  42. In America, on meeting and leaving, a hug or a small kiss on the cheek is not appropriate between two men, two women, or men and women who have known each other for a long time? 在美國,見面或離開的時候人們會相互擁抱或親吻面頰,但這種行為不適合於男子之間,女子之間還是相互認識較長時間的男女之間?

  A hug or a small kiss on the cheek between two men is not appropriate.


  43. When in groups, do Americans tend to talk with those opposite them or those seated or standing beside them? 一群人在一起時,美國人是傾向於和對面的人交談還是傾向於和坐在或站在身邊的人交談?

  They tend to talk with those opposite them. 美國人是傾向於和對面的人交談。

  44. When you are talking with people from Western societies, which part of face should you look at? 和西方人交談時,你應該看他們臉的哪個部位?

  You should look at them in the eye. 眼睛。

  45. When you have western food, which hand do you use to hold the knife and which hand do you use to hold the fork? 吃西餐時,哪只手拿刀,哪只手拿叉?

  The right hand is for the knife and the left hand is for the fork. 右手拿刀,左手拿叉。

  46. Who, because of religious and social traditions, eat and do other things with the right hand? 什麼人由於宗教和社會傳統使用右手吃飯,做事?

  Muslims. 穆斯林。

  47. During dinner, if you are mouthful, what should you avoid doing? 用餐時,台灣翻譯社,如果口中有食物,應噹避免什麼? Talking.說話。

  48. Many Chinese like to talk with full-mouth food at table, and how do you like it, especially when you're dining with foreign guests? 許多中國人吃飯時喜懽滿嘴食物說話,你認為如何,尤其是與外國客人共餐時?

  It is a bad manner. 這不禮貌。

  49. If the host makes dinner herself, what should the guests do? 如果主人親自烹調食物,英語口譯,客人應該做什麼? Giving complements.給予讚揚。

  50. When entertaining a foreign guest, is it good or not for you to do your best to persuade him to drink a lot? 在款待外國客人時,適宜勸酒嗎?

  No. 不適宜。

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